Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
General Troubleshooting
General Troubleshooting
This section includes troubleshooting procedures that can be done on either the
Agilent 1680A,AD- or 1690A,AD-series logic analyzers. Before any of these
procedures can be done on an Agilent 1690A,AD-series logic analyzer, the logic
analyzer must be connected to a host PC and both the host PC and the logic
analyzer must be turned on.
To run the self-tests
The Self Test menu checks the major hardware functions of the logic analyzer to
verify that it is working correctly. Self-tests can be performed all at once or one at
a time. Refer to Chapter 8 for more information on the logic analyzer self-tests.
CAUTION: Because the most recently acquired data will be lost, be sure to save important data
before running self tests.
1 Do the following steps for an Agilent 1690A,AD-series:
a Connect the logic analyzer to a host PC and apply power.
b Apply power to the host PC and allow the PC to finish booting.
2 For an Agilent 1680A,AD-series logic analyzer, apply power to the
instrument and allow it to finish booting.
3 Launch the Agilent Logic Analyzer application. When the application
launches, observe the status field and ensure it reads “Online.”
4 In the Agilent Logic Analyzer application, choose Help>Self Test... from
the main menu.
CAUTION: If you have acquired data, a warning message appears, "Running self-tests will invalidate
acquired data"; click OK to continue.