Format Subsystem
Time Stamp
Readout Format
It is not trivial to decide how time
stamped measurements are to be pre-
sented on the bus. If the ‘ADIF’ format
defined by SCPI is adopted, it should be
adopted for all data readout, and switched
on and off by the already standardized
:FORMat:DINTerchange command. This
format covers the appropriate readout for-
mat for time stamped measurements well,
so when it is selected as output format,
there is not any problem. But the user
may still decide not to use the ADIF for
mat, so we need a solution to the readout
problem whether or not we decide to im
plement ADIF. The chosen one is as fol
and :MEASure:SCALar?, the readout
will consist of two values instead of one.
The first will be the measured value, and
the next one will be the timestamp value,
given in seconds in the NR2 format
ddd.ddddddddd (12 digits).
In :FORMat ASCii mode, the result will
be given as a floating-point number (NR3
format) followed by integers (NR1 for-
mat). In :FORMat REAL mode, the result
will be given as an eight-byte block con-
taining the floating-point measured value,
followed by a four-byte block containing
the integer timestamp count, where each
count represents 125 nanoseconds.
When doing readouts in array form, with
:FETCh :ARRay?, :READ :ARRay? or
:MEASure :ARRay?, the response will
consist of alternating measurement values
and timestamp values, formatted the same
way as for scalar readout. All values will
be separated by commas.
6-6 Format Subsystem
Using the Subsystems