9-38 Command Reference
:FORMat PM6680B/85
8 «ASCii|REAL»
Response Data Type
Sets the format in which the result will be sent on the bus.
ASCii will send the measurement result in ASCii form.<sign><mantissa value>E<sign><expo
nent value>
<sign> = + or –
<mantissa value> = 1 to 12 digits (depending on
measuring resolution) plus one decimal point.
<exponent value> = 1 to 3 digits
REAL will send the result in binary IEEE Double Precision floating-point format in a
block-data element. #18<8 bytes real>. The <8 bytes real> is a double precision binary
floating-point response according to IEEE488.2/IEEE754. This means that the eight
bytes are sent in the following order:
First byte: <sign><7 MSB of the exponent>
Second byte: <4 LSB of the exponent><4 MSB of the fraction>
Third through eight byte: <48 LSB of the fraction>
Returned format: ASC|REAL¿
*RST condition: ASCii
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:FORMat PM6681
8 «ASCii|REAL»[, <Numeric value> | AUTO]
Response Data Type
Sets the format in which the result will be sent on the bus.
This command is identical to the above described command for the PM6680B/85,
except for the optional length parameter.
ASCii: The length controls the number of digits in the mantissa and may be set to values from
AUTO: The length will be controlled by the resolution of each measurement result. Auto will be
ignored when :INTernal:FORMat 8 PACKed or
:DISPlay:ENABled 8 OFF is selected.
REAL: The length parameter is ignored, ‘reals’ are always output in 8 byte format.
Returned format: ASC|REAL, <Numeric value> | AUTO¿
*RST condition: ASCii, AUTO
See also: :FORMat :TINFormation command
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.