9-70 Command Reference
:MEASure :TOTalize :ACCumulated? PM6680B PM6681
[8 <time for gate open>][,(@«1|2|4|5|6») [,(@«1|2|4|5|6»)]]
Totalize X gated by Y, accumulated
The counter totalizes the pulses on the primary channel. The totalizing starts when
the gate signal on the secondary channel goes on and stops when the gate signal
goes to off. The polarity of on/off is controlled via the :INPut:SLOPe command of
the gate channel. The result is the sum of counts in all the gate openings that oc
cur during a preset time <time for gate open>.
If you use the :CONFigure command, you can select if the counter should count
positive or negative transitions with the :INPut:SLOPe command of the measur
ing channel.
Parameters: <time for gate open> is the time you want the totalizing to proceed. Range
PM6680B: is 0.8E–6, 1.6E–6, 3.2E–6, 6.4E–6, 12.8E–6, and 50E–6 to 400 s
Range PM6681 and 80E–9, 160E–9, 320E–9, 640E–9, 1.28E–6, and 20E–6 to
400 s.
The first <(@«1|2|4|5|6»)> is the channel to measure on.
The second <(@«1|2|4|5|6»)> is the gate channel.
(@1) means input A
(@2) means input B
(@4) means input E (rear panel arming input)
(@5) means input A prescaled by 2
(@6) means the internal reference
If you omit the channels, the instrument measures on input A with input B as
the gate channel.
*RST condition:
Time for gate open = 10 ms ([:SENSe]ACQuisition:APERture)