9-20 Command Reference
:CALCulate :MATH PM6685
8 (<expression>)
Select Mathematical Expression
Defines the mathematical expression used for mathematical operations. This func
tion equals the nulling function from the front panel.
The data type <expression data> must be typed within parentheses.
The operand must be surrounded by space characters.
<expression> is: (X + K) No deviations are allowed from this form.
K can be any positive or negative numerical constant within the range –9.9E+37 to
X is the measurement result.
Returned format: <expression>¿ Where <expression> is the expression selected.
Example This example subtracts 10700000 from the measurement result.
:CALC:MATH 8 (X 8 – 8 10.7E6)
Example 2 This example defines the mathematical expression, enables postprocessing
and mathematics, make a measurement, and fetches the result:
:CALC:MATH 8 (X 8 - 8 10.7E6);MATH:STATE 8 ON;:READ?
*RST condition:
(. )XE-+10000 7
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0 Confirmed.