Command Reference 9-35
:FETCh :ARRay?PM6680B/81/85
8 «<fetch array size>|MAX»
Fetch an Array of Results
:FETCh:ARRay? query differs from the :FETCh? query by fetching several mea
suring results at once.
An array of measurements must first be made by the commands. :INITiate,
:MEASure:ARRay? or :CONFigure:ARRay;:READ?
If the array size is set to a positive value, the first measurement made is the first
result to be fetched.
When the counter has made an array of measurements, :FETCh:ARRay? 8 10
fetches the first 10 measuring results from the output queue. The second
:FETCh:ARRay? 8 10 fetches the result 11 to 20, and so on. When the last mea
suring result has been fetched, fetch:array starts over again with the first result.
In totalizing for instance, you may want to read the last measurement result in
stead of the first one. This is possible if you set the array size to a negative num
ber. Example: :FETCh:ARRay? 8 –5 fetches the last five results. The output
queue pointer is not altered when the array size is negative. That is, the example
above always gives the last five results every time the command is sent.
:FETCh:ARRay? 8 –1 is useful to fetch intermediate results in free-running or ar-
ray measurements without interrupting the measurement.
:ARRay means that an array of retrievals are done for each :FETCh command.
<fetch array size> is the number of retrievals in the array. This number must not
exceed the number of measuring results in the measurement result buffer. The
<SIZE> parameter maximum limit is depending on the
:SENSe:INTernal:FORMat command as follows:
Format Measuring function
Array Size
PM6680B/85 PM6681
All functions
2048 7019
Frequency, Period, Ratio Totalize
2166 6143
Pulse Width
764 4466
Time-Interval, Rise/Fall time
Phase, Duty Cycle,Volt
Low resolution Frequency and Period
Low Res. Time-Interval and Pulse Width
MAX means that all the results in the output buffer will be fetched.