9-16 Command Reference
:CALCulate :IMMediate PM6680B/81/85
Recalculate Data
This event causes the calculate subsystem to reprocess the statistical function on
the sense data without reacquiring the data. Query returns this reprocessed data.
This command is not very useful in PM6685, but is accepted to maintain com
patibility with the other counters in the CNT-8X series of counters.
Returned format: <Decimal data>¿
Where: <Decimal data> is the recalculated data.
Wait for operation complete
READ¬ <Value 8 of 8 standard 8 deviation>
READ¬ <Mean 8 value>
*RST condition: Event, no *RST condition.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, Confirmed.
:CALCulate :LIMit PM6680B/81/85
8 <Boolean>
Enable Monitoring of Parameter Limits
Turns On/Off the limit-monitoring calculations.
Limit monitoring makes it is possible to get a service request when the measure
ment value falls below a lower limit, or rises above an upper limit.
Two status bits are defined to support limit-monitoring. One is set when the results
are greater than the UPPer limit, the other is set when the result is less than the
LOWer limit. The bits are enabled using the standard *SRE command and
:STAT:DREG0:ENAB. Using both these bits, it is possible to get a service request
when a value passes out of a band ( UPPer is set at the upper band border and
LOWer at the lower border) OR when a measurement value enters a band (LOWer
set at the upper band border and UPPer set at the lower border).
Turning the limit-monitoring calculations On/Off will not influence the status regis
ter mask bits, which determine whether or not a service request will be generated
when a limit is reached. Note that the calculate subsystem is automatically en
abled when limit-monitoring is switched on. This means that other enabled calcu
late sub-blocks are indirectly switched on.
Parameters <Boolean> = ( 1/ON | 0/OFF )
Returned format: 1|0¿
*RST condition: OFF
See also: Example 1 in Chapter 4 deals with limit-monitoring.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.