The address can also be set via a GPIB
command or from the AUX MENU on
the PM6680B/1/5. The set address is
stored in nonvolatile memory and re
mains until you change it.
When turned on, the counter starts with
the setting it had when turned off.
When the counter is in REMOTE mode,
you cannot switch it off. You must first
enable Local control by pressing LO
Testing the Bus
To test that the instrument is operational
via the bus, use *IDN? to identify the in-
strument and *OPT? to identify which
options are installed. (See ‘System Sub-
system’ , *IDN? and *OPT?)
Interface Functions
What can I do with the Bus?
All the capabilities of the interface for the
PM6680B-series are explained below.
Description, Code
Source handshake, SH1
Acceptor handshake, AH1
Control function, C0
Talker Function, T6
Listener function, L4
Service request, SR1
Remote/local function, RL1
Parallel poll, PP0
Device clear function, DC1
Device trigger function, DT1
Bus drivers, E2
SH1 and AH1
These simply mean that the counter can
exchange data with other instruments or a
controller using the bus handshake lines:
Control Function, C0
The counter does not function as a con
Talker Function, T6
The counter can send responses and the
results of its measurements to other de
vices or to the controller. T6 means that it
has the following functions:
Basic talker.
No talker only.
It can send out a status byte as response to
a serial poll from the controller.
Automatic un-addressing as a talker when
it is addressed as a listener.
Getting Started
Interface Functions 1-5