Some Basic
Here follows a description of some basic
CNT-8X commands that control the mea
surement sequence.
The CONFigure command sets up the
counter to do the measurement specified
by the parameters of the command. The
command gives a limited number of pa
rameter options such as:
Measurement function
Measurement channel
Number of measurements and sometimes
also the following:
Measuring time
Trigger level
The counter sets up the rest of its func-
tions in the best way for the requested
measurement. This means that any instru-
ment setting may be changed by this
Set up to measure frequency:
Set up to do 100 frequency measurements:
Set up to do 100 frequency measurements
on the A-channel:
Set up to do 100 frequency measurements
on the A-channel. Expected frequency 10
MHz that should be measured with a reso
lution of 1 Hz.
The INITiate command will normally
start a measurement or measurement se
quence and store the result internally in
the CNT-8X. However the actual action
is to change the state of the trigger sub
system from “idle” to
“wait_for_bus_arming”. The result of
changing the state of the trigger subsys
tem depends on the programming of this
subsystem. For example it could be pro
grammed to do the following:
Make 1000 measurements.
Wait for a GET/*TRG and then start a
Wait for a GET and then make 534 mea
Wait for an arming pulse and make one
Wait for an arming pulse and make 234
INITiate :CONTinuous
This command sets the counter in a mode
where it continues with a new measure-
ment immediately after it has finished the
previous one. This is done by not return
ing the trigger subsystem to the “idle”
This command stops the current measure
ment (if any), and sets the trigger subsys
tem to the “idle” state. This means that
the counter is only waiting for new com
The FETCh query retrieves measurement
data. It could either be a single value
(SCALar) or a series of values (ARRay).
7-4 Some Basic Commands
How to Measure Fast