84 BIOS Setup
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Advanced Menu Options
The Advanced Menu contains several sections – Power Management, Keyboard and Other. To
view all sections, press the down arrow key instead of using the Pan Down command.
See the section titled “Panning Function” earlier in this chapter. Panning commands are used to
view a 25 row by 80 column virtual screen display using specific keypresses.
To edit parameters, use the up and down arrow key to move from parameter to parameter.
Use the space key or an alpha-numeric key to modify a parameter value.
Press F1 to activate the help screen then use the panning function to move around the help screen.
Press ESC to close the help screen.
Use the left and right arrow keys to move from menu to menu.
Press the ESC key or key sequence to go directly to the Exit Menu.
Parameter List
Menu Section Option Default Value
Power Mgt Power Mgt On
Left Scan Numeric Keypad Enter
Right Scan Scan
CPU Aggressive (1 s)
Disp BL Timed
Disp BL 3 s
Display 15 s
Suspend 5 m
Off Timer 5 m
Docked PM Off
Touch Wake On
Power Key Susp-Off
Keyboard Caps Off
NumLock On
Rpt Delay 0.5s
Rpt Rate 10 s
CtlAltDel Reboot
Other Font 8x16
COM1 Pin9 RI
COM2 Pin 9 RI
Settings are saved temporarily as each parameter activity screen is closed. Changes are saved to
CMOS RAM when “Save and Exit” is selected and the BIOS Setup program closes.
Changed and saved parameter values take effect after the MX3 is rebooted.