BIOS Setup 87
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
Disp BL
The DispBL parameter is used to set which of three modes the Display Backlight will be in.
Off - the most battery-efficient way to operate the display.
On - provides full time backlighting whenever the unit is on.
Timed - provides backlighting for a predetermined amount of time from the last key input or
display update. Set the time with the Disp BL timer parameter.
Values: On, Off, Timed
Default: Timed
Note: When the Timed option is selected, use the Disp BL time parameter to set the amount of
time the display backlight remains on. If the Disp BL timer is set to a period of time
longer than the Display Timer, the backlight will be forced off when the display turns off.
Disp BL
The Disp BL timer works in conjunction with the parameter setting of Pwr Mgt Modes - Disp BL.
The display backlight timer is reset every time the following occurs: video write, touch (on a
touch screen), or any keypress.
Values: 1 - 63 seconds (in 1 second increments)
Default: 3 seconds
Note: If Pwr Mgt Modes - Disp BL setting is not “Timed” this setting is ignored.
The Display parameter designates, in seconds, how long the MX3 senses inactivity on the MX3
before shutting down. The display timer is reset every time the following occurs: video write,
touch (on a touch screen), or any keypress.
When the display timer expires and the display turns off, the Status LED turns steady green.
When the display is off, the MX3 is still powered on. Trigger presses will initiate activity.
Communications through the radio or serial ports will still continue. However, the keypad clears
all sticky key modes and LEDs and a key press functions only as a wakeup event (does not send
to the operating system or application).
Press any key once to wake the display.
Values: 0 - 63 seconds (in 1 second increments)
Default: 15 seconds
A value of 0 means Full On.
Note: If the Disp BL timer is set to a period of time longer than Display, the display backlight
will be forced off when the display turns off.