28 Hardware Configuration
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
The MX3 features two internal PCMCIA slots that conform electrically to PCMCIA 2.1
specifications. The PC slots are accessible by the use of a Phillips screwdriver to first remove the
endcap. Slot 1 is in the middle and Slot 2 is near the side of the MX3.
PC Cards
Slot 1 accepts cards of Types I and II. Slot II accepts cards of types I, II and III.
The slots, and the PC cards in them, are managed by Phoenix PicoCard software products which
refers to the Middle Slot as slot 1 and the Outside Slot as slot 0. The software can be used to
format PC cards.
When formatting PC cards, Phoenix PicoCard identifies the PC cards by slot number and DOS
drive letters. For example, an ATA PC card formatted in slot 0 is given disk drive letter D and an
ATA PC card formatted in slot 1 is given disk drive letter E. If the MX3 is booted from the ATA
PC Card in slot 0, the drive automatically becomes Drive C. The on-board flash drive changes to
drive D until the MX3 is rebooted without an ATA card in Slot 0. An ATA PC Card formatted in
Slot 1 is always Drive E and cannot boot the MX3 from Slot 1. If the MX3 is booted from an
SRAM card in Slot 0, the drive automatically becomes Drive A. The on-board flash drive remains
as Drive C.
See “PCMCIA Card Management and LXE DOS Computers”, for further information.
Radio Cards
Slot 1 accepts the PCMCIA radio cards identified in Appendix C, “Technical Specifications”.