118 LXE Diagnostics
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Set An API Function (SETAPI_4.EXE)
This command is run at the DOS prompt. Run this command at the DOS prompt to set a mode or
change a parameter.
All arguments are in HEX format. Put an X in the place of arguments that are not used.
Format for INT 10:
SETAPI_4 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6
• arg1 is always 10
• arg2 - (AH) = 12
• arg3 - (BL) = BA (Panning) or BC (DOS Font)
• arg4 - (AL) = Function Requested
• arg5 - (BH) = Value Requested
• arg6 - (CX) = Value Requested
Format for INT 15:
SETAPI_4 arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7
• arg1 is always 15
• arg2 - (AH) = BA
• arg3 - (AL) = Service Group
• arg4 - (BH) = Function Number
• arg5 - (BL) = Action
• arg6 - (CX) = 16 Bit Register Value (where appropriate)
• arg7 - (DX) = 16 Bit Register Value (where appropriate)
INT 15 Example:
Sound Beeper SETAPI_4 15 BA 53 4 30 07D0 000A
Please refer to the “LXE DOS API Programming Guide” for complete
information about the MX3 Application Programming Interfaces.