1=Create a Source Overlay
To create a source overlay, do the following on the display on page 59.
1. Type 1 in the
column in the first line of the list.
2. Type the source overlay name in the
Source Overlay
column in the first line of
the list.
3. Press Enter.
The Create Source Overlay display appears:
Create Source Overlay
File . . . . . . . . . . . . : OVLFILE
Library . . . . . . . . . : OVLLIB
Source overlay . . . . . . . : STATIONERY
Type options, press Enter.
Opt Action
Define overlay specifications
Work with source overlay fonts
1 Design overlay
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F9=Select all F12=Cancel
On this display, you can create a source overlay. By typing a 1 in the
of this display, you can go to the Define Overlay Specifications display, the Work
with Source Overlay Fonts display, or the Design Overlay display.
Field Name Description
File Shows the source overlay file name in which the source overlay you are
creating resides.
Library Shows the library name that contains the source overlay file in which
the source overlay you are creating resides.
Source overlay Shows the source overlay name that you are creating.
1=Select Allows you to take an action or some actions by typing 1 in the
Opt Specifies 1 in the
column beside the action you want to take.
Action Shows you the action to be taken by the system when you type 1 in the
Chapter 5. Work with Source Overlays 63