
Edit Numeric
Field . . . . . . . . . . : PRICE
Type choices, press Enter.
Edit code . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4, A-D, J-Q, X-Z
User-defined 5-9
Edit code modifier . . . . . . . . 1=Asterisk fill
2=Floating currency symbol
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
On this display, you can specify an edit code and an edit code modifier.
When you specify the above parameters and press the Enter key, the Define Text
Detail display appears again.
When you specify multiple fields on the
Text data
prompt, the Select Fields to Edit
Numeric display appears to select fields before the Edit Numeric display appears.
Field Name Description
Field Shows the name of the field for which an edit code and edit code
modifier can be specified.
Edit code Specifies the edit code which will be used when the numeric field is
printed. The allowable edit codes (1-9, A-D, J-Q, X-Z) and their printout
format are the same as those supported by DDS. If this parameter is
not specified, the Print Format Utility prints the field based on the
editing information defined by DDS or IDDU.
Edit code
| This parameter is optional. It is effective only when one of 1-4, A-D,
and J-Q is specified for the edit code parameter.
1 An asterisk (*) is printed for each zero that is suppressed. A
complete field of asterisks is printed for a zero balance field.
2 The currency symbol defined on the system value QCURSYM is
printed to the left of the first significant digit. The symbol is not
printed on a zero balance when an edit code is used that
suppresses the zero balance.
164 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide