
text is not as expected 405
text lines overlap 404
in list view 450
in screen view 448
overlay objects 447
page segments 448
PFD definition files 447
PFD definitions 446
related to break fields 456
related to database file selection 454
related to element 451
related to font 455
related to mapping object 456
related to overlay specifications 455
related to PFD specifications 455
related to printout specifications 456
related to record selection 454
source overlay files 446
source overlays 445
test 179, 180
AND 179
EQ 180
field 179
GE 180
GT 180
LE 180
LT 180
NE 180
OR 179
value 181
font number 240
text element 219
character height 239
character size 239
character width 239
color 237
DBCS font 238
define text 233
degree of rotation 237
element name 237
font 238
font selection 239
format 237
mark 236
measurement method 236
overstrike 238
position 236, 407
text data 235, 236
underline 238
text element (design) 233
text font in graphics 390, 393
text format 421
horizontal 248
vertical 248
vertical, right to left 248
text in box
restrictions 389, 393
text placement 421
trailing spaces 260
end Tutorial 132
type (element) 219
underline (in box) 251
unit of measure 328
unit of measure (overlay specifications) 64
unit of measure (PFD specifications) 148
unit of measurement 233
UPC/CGPC-Version A 260
UPC/CGPC-Version E 260
user specified DBCS data
PFD definition file 201
source overlay file 87
value 181
variable data 110, 159
vertical (format) 252
vertical, right to left (format) 253
layout of list view 282
layout of screen view 222
list view 221, 282
screen view 221
what is
= sign 281
asterisk (*) mark 223
equal (=) sign 281
percent (%) mark 223
width 328
width (overlay specifications) 66
width (PFD specifications) 148
work with
fonts 289
overlays (object) 333
page segment 343
PFD definition 139
PFD definition file 195
PFD definition fonts 154
490 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide