
Example Actions
| 1. Press the Tab key twice to position the cursor to the PFD definition prompt.
| 2. Press the F4 key.
| The Select PFD Definition display appears:
| Select PFD Definition
| File . . . . . . . . . : QAFCTUTPFD
| Library . . . . . . : QGPL
| Position to . . . . . . Starting characters
| Type option, press Enter.
| 1=Select
| Opt Definition Text
| TUTORIAL Entire tutorial
| TUTOR1 Overview - Topics covered in the tutorial
| TUTOR2 Create Source Overlay file and Source Overlay
| TUTOR25 Create Source Overlay
| TUTOR3 Create the database file and add data with DFU
| TUTOR32 Create the database file - no data
| TUTOR4 Add data to the database file with DFU
| TUTOR5 Create PFD File, Create and Change a PFD
| TUTOR55 Create a PFD Definition
| More...
| F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Example Actions
| 1. Press the Tab key to position the cursor to PFD definition TUTOR10.
| 2. Type 1, and press Enter.
| The Print Database File Member display appears again.
Example Action
| 1. Press the Enter key again to print the tutorial overview.
| Note: A spooled file is created in an output queue by the print operation, and it is
| printed on the printer after the print writer sends it to a printer.
| The IBM Advanced Function Printing Utilities for AS/400 menu appears.
Example Action:
Press the F3 key to return to the AS/400 Main Menu.
Chapter 8. Getting Started with Print Format Utility 133