
queue. A list of messages, jobs, files, or requests
waiting to be read, processed, printed, or distributed in
a predetermined order.
read authority. A data authority that allows the user to
look at the contents of an entry in an object or to run a
program. See also
add authority
delete authority
, and
update authority
record. A group of related data, words, or fields
treated as a unit, such as one name, address, and
telephone number.
record format. A named part of a file that identifies
records of a specified record format description.
record layout. In AFP Utilities, a part of the printout
format definition that defines how each field of a
database file record is formatted and printed by the print
format utility. See also
page layout
record selection. The process of selecting particular
records from a file and including the information from
the records, for example, in a report.
remote. Pertaining to a device, system, or file that is
connected to another device, system, or file through a
communications line. Contrast with
reserved variable data. The following data is called
as 'reserved variable data', and can be printed as text
on the record layout in the same manner as printing
variable data from the database file.
Job date
Job time
Page number
Record number
Database file name
Library name
Member name
resolution. In computer graphics, a measure of the
sharpness of an image, expressed as the number of
lines per unit of length or the number of points per unit
of area discernible in that image.
resource. Any part of the system required by a job or
task, including main storage, devices, the processing
unit, programs, files, libraries, and folders.
resource management utility (RMU). In AFP Utilities,
an interactive tool used to maintain AFP resources.
resource name. A name assigned by the system to a
line, controller, or device that is connected to the
restore. To copy data from tape, diskette, or a save
file to auxiliary storage. Contrast with
RMU. See
resource management utility (RMU)
save. To copy specific objects, libraries, or data by
transferring them from main or auxiliary storage to
magnetic media such as tape, diskettes, or a save file.
Contrast with
single-byte character set (SBCS)
screen view. In AFP Utilities, the presentation of a
display shown while a user is in screen edit mode. See
list view
sequence number. (1) The number of a record that
identifies the record within the source member. (2) A
field in a journal entry that contains a number assigned
by the system. This number is initially 1 and is
increased by 1 until the journal is changed or the
sequence number is reset by the user.
session. The length of time that starts when a user
signs on at a display station and ends when the user
signs off. location.
simplex. In AFP support, pertaining to printing on only
one side of the paper. Contrast with
single-byte character set (SBCS). A character set in
which each character is represented by a one-byte
code. Contrast with
double-byte character set
single-byte coded font. In AFP support, a font in
which the characters are defined by a 1-byte code
point. A single-byte coded font has only one coded font
section. Synonymous with single-byte font. Contrast
double-byte coded font
source overlay. In AFP Utilities, a file member that
contains the definition of an overlay.
specific authority. The types of authority a user can
be given to use the system resources, including object
authorities and data authorities. See also
data authority
. Contrast with
spool. The system function of putting files or jobs into
disk storage for later processing or printing.
spooled file. A file that holds output data waiting to be
processed, such as information waiting to be printed.
Also known as
spooled output file
step. To cause a computer to run one operation.
store. To put or keep data in a storage device.
summary data. The following data is called as
'summary data':
The field value of the first record in the group.
The field value of the last record in the group.
476 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide