Chapter 6. Work with Source Overlay Files
This chapter provides the detail information for the Work with Source Overlay Files
From the Work with Source Overlay Files display, you can choose the following
Creating a source overlay file to contain source overlays
Changing the description text of a source overlay file
Copying a source overlay file that contains source overlays to another source
overlay file
Deleting a source overlay file
Renaming a source overlay file
Displaying the description text of a source overlay file
Going to the Work with Source Overlays display
Note: To create a source overlay file, you need a library in which the source
overlay file will reside. If you do not have any libraries, you can create a
library by entering CRTLIB (Create library) command on a command line on
any display.
To show the Work with Source Overlay Files display, type 2 in the command line
on the Advanced Function Printing Utilities menu and press Enter. The following
display appears:
Work with Source Overlay Files
Type choices, press Enter.
Library . . . . . . . . . . . OULIB Name, ᑍUSRLIBL, ᑍLIBL,
File . . . . . . . . . . . . . ᑍALL Name, genericᑍ, ᑍALL
Parameters or command
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F9=Retrieve F12=Cancel
Use this display to select the source overlay files you want to list and work with.
You can use the
prompts to specify subset criteria. When you
press Enter, the Work with Source Overlay Files display appears with the list of
source overlay files.
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