
Step 1 Define overlay
and fonts
 │
│ Place Element on
│ a Source Overlay
Step 2
Define Contents
of Element
Step 3 Save a Source
Step 4 Create
an Overlay
Figure 14. Overview of Overlay Utility Operation
Step 1. This is an optional step.
You can change the default values of the overlay specifications. These
include printer type, characters per inch (CPI), lines per inch (LPI), degree
of rotation, unit of measure, default data elements measurement method,
overlay size, offset, and a grid to help design the overlay. See “Define
Overlay Specifications” on page 64 for more information.
You can change the fonts used to print text. See Chapter 14, “Work with
Fonts” on page 289 for more information.
Step 2. Design your overlay.
Repeat the following operations:
a. Position the cursor on the screen where you want to enter an
element, such as text, box, and so on.
b. Place an element in the overlay by pressing the function key assigned
for the element.
c. Type the element specification. After entering the data, a mark is
assigned for the element by the overlay utility. The mark is placed at
the element position on the screen.
See Chapter 13, “Design Operation” on page 219 for more information.
Step 3. After designing the overlay, save it as a source overlay in your library.
The overlay utility prompts you to specify the source overlay and library
name in which to save the source overlay. See “Saving a Source
Overlay” on page 71 for more information.
26 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide