The following table explains each field on this display.
Field Name Description
Library Specifies the library that contains source overlay files you want to list
and work with. Choose from the following:
library name
Specifies the name of the library that contains the source
overlay files you want to work with.
Only libraries in the user portion of the job's library list are
*LIBL All the libraries in the user and system portions of the job's
library list are searched.
Note: This value may cause a long response time until the
Work with Source Overlay Files display appears.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is searched. If no current
entry exists in the library list, library QGPL is used.
*ALLUSR All "user-defined" libraries are searched. "User-defined"
libraries include library QGPL, but exclude all other libraries
with names that begin with the letter "Q."
Note: This value may cause a long response time until the
Work with Source Overlay Files display appears.
*ALL All libraries in the system, including QSYS, are searched.
Note: This value may cause a long response time until the
Work with Source Overlay Files display appears.
File Specifies that you want to work with all source overlay files in the library
or a subset of source overlay files in the library. Choose from the
source overlay file name
Specifies a source overlay file name for a display with only
that source overlay name in the list.
generic name
Specifies a partial name of the source overlay file name
qualified by an asterisk (*) to display a specific subset of
source overlay files. The generic name is the following
ABC* Display a list of all source overlay files that begin
with the characters ABC. For example, ABC,
*ALL Specifies *ALL to display all the source overlays in the
specified library.
82 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide