| A second Define Printout Specifications display appears.
| Define Printout Specifications
| Type choices, press Enter.
| Form definition . . . . . . . . . ᑍINLINE Name, ᑍDEVD, ᑍINLINE
| Library . . . . . . . . . . . . Name, ᑍLIBL, ᑍCURLIB
| Bottom
| F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
| Specify that the Print Format Utility should create an inline form definition.
Example Actions:
| 1. Type ᑍINLINE in the
Form definition
| 2. Press Enter key.
The Create PFD Definition display appears.
Exiting from Defining the PFD Definition
Now you can save the PFD definition and exit from defining a PFD definition.
Create PFD Definition
File . . . . . . . . . . . : PFDFILE
Library . . . . . . . . : MYLIB
PFD definition . . . . . . : PRODUCTLBL
Type options, press Enter.
Opt Action
Define PFD specifications
Work with PFD definition fonts
Specify database file
Specify break fields
Design record layout
Design page layout
Specify record selection
Define printout specifications
Specify mapping object name
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F9=Select all
Chapter 8. Getting Started with Print Format Utility 127