
Field Name Description
Overlay Shows the name of the overlay to be converted to a physical file
Library Shows the name of the library in which the overlay resides.
Format of data Specifies how data is to be placed in the physical file member.
The possible values are:
1 One record has one structured field. The padding character is
binary 0s. The record length of the file using fixed format is the
longest length of the AFPDS structured fields in the overlay. If the
length of the existing file is smaller than the length of the longest
structured field, an error message is displayed. If the length of the
existing file is larger than the longest length of the structured field,
padding characters are added to the end of the records. This
format is for the VM or the MVS system.
2 The structured fields are filled continuously and folded. Only the
last record has padding characters; the padding characters are
binary 0s. Any record length of the existing file is allowed. The
created record length of the file is 256 bytes. This format is for the
This is a required parameter.
To file Specifies the qualified name of the physical file being used to place the
overlay data.
The possible values are:
Specifies that the name OVLY38PP is used. It will be a valid file
type for an overlay on the VM system.
Specifies that the name O1xxxxxx is used. The 'xxxxxx' is the first
six valid characters of the name specified in the
prompt. It
will be a valid member name for an overlay on the MVS system.
Specifies the file name in which to place the overlay data.
Library The possible values are:
The current library for the job is used to locate the file. If no library
is specified as the current library for the job, QGPL is used.
Specify the library where the file resides.
Member Specifies the name of the physical file member which is filled with the
overlay data.
The possible values are:
Specifies that the name of the overlay shown in the
field is
Specify the member name to place the overlay data.
340 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide