
AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) Labels
The following PFD definitions for AIAG labels are provided.
Definition Description
AIAG_B2_HA AIAG-B2 (Vehicle ID Number Label) Horizontal bar code with HRI above
AIAG_B2_HB AIAG-B2 (Vehicle ID Number Label) Horizontal bar code with HRI below
AIAG_B3_SP AIAG-B3 Shipping/Parts Identification Number Label
AIAG_B3_ML AIAG-B3 Master Label
AIAG_B3_LL AIAG-B3 Mixed Load Label
AIAG_B4_PL AIAG-B4 Part Label
AIAG_B4_PT AIAG-B4 Part and Traceability data on a single line
AIAG_B4_PD AIAG-B4 Part, Traceability data, and supplier on a separate line
AIAG_B5_PM AIAG-B5 Primary Metals Identification Tag
The following database files are provided as input files for the sample PFD
File Name Record Format Description
QAFCXMPAI2 VINLBL Sample database file (AIAG_B2)
QAFCXMPAI3 SPILBL Sample database file (AIAG_B3)
QAFCXMPAI4 IPLBL Sample database file (AIAG_B4)
QAFCXMPAI5 SMPILBL Sample database file (AIAG_B5)
EIA (Electronic Industries Association) Labels
The following PFD definitions for EIA labels are provided:
Definition Description
EIA_SMPL_1 Single Order Label (Single Product/Single Package)
EIA_SMPL_2 Mixed Load Label (Single Order/Multiple Product ID's)
EIA_SMPL_3 Multiple Order Label (Multiple Orders/Single Product ID)
EIA_SMPL_4 Multiple Load Label (Multiple Orders/Multiple Product ID's)
The following database file is provided as an input file for the sample PFD
File Name Record Format Description
QAFCXMPEIA SHPLBL Sample database file (EIA)
| AFP Utilities Tutorial PFD Definitions
| The following PFD definitions are provided as part of the AFP Utilities tutorial.
| Definition Description
| TUTORIAL Entire tutorial
| TUTOR1 Overview - Topics covered in the tutorial
| TUTOR2 Create Source Overlay file and Source Overlay
| TUTOR25 Create Source Overlay
| TUTOR3 Create the database file and add data with DFU
| TUTOR32 Create the database file - no data
| TUTOR4 Add data to the database file with DFU
| TUTOR5 Create PFD File, Create and Change a PFD
| TUTOR55 Create a PFD Definition
| TUTOR57 Change a PFD Definition
| TUTOR6 Print PFD Data
| TUTOR7 Copy a PFD Definition
| TUTOR8 Convert a page segment to a physical file member
| TUTOR9 Convert a physical file member to a page segment
Appendix G. Sample Overlays and Sample PFD Definitions 461