
Deleting an Overlay
This function calls the CL command DLTOVL and deletes the specified overlay.
Renaming an Overlay
This function calls the CL command RNMOBJ and renames the specified overlay.
Printing an Overlay
| This function allows you to print an AS/400 overlay on an IPDS printer. The
| Resource Management Utility generates the AFPDS data stream as a spooled file
| that is to be printed on an IPDS printer by the OS/400.
Displaying an Overlay Description
| This function calls the CL command DSPOBJD and displays the overlay
Changing an Overlay Description
| This function calls the CL command CHGOBJD and changes the overlay
Converting an Overlay to Physical File Member
This function allows you to convert an overlay to a physical file member. You can
transfer the overlay to another system such as the System/370.
Working with Page Segments
This function allows you to:
Copy a page segment object in a library
Delete page segment objects in a library
Rename a page segment object in a library
Print a page segment object in a library
Display the description of the page segment
Change the description of the page segment
Convert a page segment to a physical file member
Copying a Page Segment
This function calls the CL command CRTDUPOBJ and copies a page segment to a
new one.
Deleting Page Segments
This function calls the CL command DLTPAGSEG and deletes the specified page
Renaming a Page Segment
This function calls the CL command RNMOBJ and renames the specified page
304 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide