
Characters per line ............... 1
Lines per inches ................. 6
Overlay width ..................... 5.15 inches
(51 columns)
height .................... 6.1 inches
(36 lines)
Position Across ................... 5.12 inches is not allowed since
it will be in the 52nd column.
Down ..................... 6.5 inches is not allowed since
it will be in the 37th line.
When you use a 300-pel printer to print a text element whose character size is not
*DEFAULT, it may not print when the position of the text element is too close to the
bottom of the overlay. In such cases, the text element should be moved to an
upper location or the height of the overlay size should be increased.
Source Overlay File
If a file meets the following four conditions, it is shown on the Work with Source
Overlay Files display as a source overlay file even if it is not created as a source
overlay file.
The file is a physical file
The file is not a source file
The file is not a DDM file
The record length is 80
It is recommended that you use files created using the overlay utility.
1. It is not checked if the specified font exists. If the font does not exist, errors
are issued when your printout with the overlay is sent to the printer.
2. It is not checked if the specified font is an SBCS font or a DBCS font. If you
specify a DBCS font for SBCS characters or specify an SBCS font for DBCS
characters, the result depends on the text to be printed. The text may be
printed with unexpected characters, or not printed with some errors.
3. On the Work with Source Overlay Fonts display you can select *DEFAULT to
specify the default font value of the text element, the box element, or the
graphics element. When you print an overlay using *DEFAULT without any
changes, the Courier 10 font (FONT ID 11) is sent to the printer. When you
use a type 1 printer (IBM 4224/4234/4230) under the printer mode which
doesn't have Courier 10, (such as the draft mode of the 4224 printer), you can
not print with *ABSOLUTE for the print fidelity. In such cases, select
*CONTENT for the print fidelity.
388 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide