
overstrike. Pertaining to a character or symbol that
occupies the same space as another character or
owner. The user who creates an object (or is named
the owner of an object).
page. (1) One printer form. (2) To move information
up or down on the display.
page break. In AFP Utilities, there is the field which
causes a page break. When the Print Format Utility
encounters the record whose value of the specified field
in the record are not equal to that of the previous
record, the Print Format Utility prints the record on a
new page. This condition is called as 'page break'.
page down. To move up the data shown on the
display, which allows the user to move toward the end
of the data. Contrast with
page up
page layout. In AFP Utilities, a printout format of a
page in the printout format definition (PFD). By using
the print format utility, the user can design the page
layout by placing and repeating a predefined record
layout with constant data. See also
record layout
page segment. An AFP resource object that can
contain text and images and can be positioned on any
addressable point on a page or an electronic overlay.
The system-recognized identifier for the object type is
page up. To move down the data shown on the
display, which allows the user to move toward the
beginning of the data. Contrast with
page down
panel. In UIM, a visual presentation of data on the
parameter. A value supplied to a command or
program that is used either as input or to control the
actions of the command or program.
parity. The state of being either even-numbered or
odd-numbered. A parity bit is a binary number added to
a group of binary numbers to make the sum of that
group either always odd (odd parity) or always even
(even parity).
PC file. A file stored on a personal computer.
pending. Pertaining to a request that was submitted
and that is awaiting processing.
PFD. See
printout format definition (PFD)
PFU. See
print format utility (PFU)
place operation. In AFP Utilities, an operation that
defines a page segment or a record layout in an AFP
point. (1) The second byte of a DBCS code, which
uniquely identifies double-byte characters in the same
ward. Contrast with
. (2) In AFP support, a unit of
measurement used mainly for describing type sizes.
Each pica has 12 points, and an inch has approximately
72 points.
print format utility (PFU). In AFP Utilities, a utility that
allows a user to print a database file member in various
formats without writing any programs.
print text. An option that allows the user to specify a
line of text at the bottom of a list.
printer file. A device file that determines what
attributes printed output will have. A particular printer
may or may not support all of the attributes specified in
a printer file.
printer writer. A system program that writes spooled
files to a printer.
printout format definition (PFD). In AFP Utilities, a
file member that contains information about the record
layout, page layout, record selection, and database file
name. A PFD is used to print the records of a
database file member in various formats.
private authority. The authority specifically given to a
user for an object that overrides any other authorities,
such as the authority of a user’s group profile or an
authorization list. Contrast with
public authority
problem analysis. The process of finding the cause of
a problem. For example, a program error, device error,
or user error.
program. A sequence of instructions that a computer
can interpret and run.
prompt. A reminder or a displayed request for
information or user action. The user must respond to
allow the program to proceed.
public authority. The authority given to users who do
not have any specific (private) authority to an object,
who are not on the authorization list (if one is specified
for the object), and whose group profile has no specific
authority to the object. Contrast with
private authority
general-purpose library
qualified name. The name of the library containing the
object and the name of the object. Contrast with
Glossary 475