
Prompt Description
Source drawer Specifies the source drawer used when cut sheets are fed into the
The possible values are:
1-255 Specifies the number of the source drawer.
*E1 The envelopes are fed from the envelope drawer.
| *CUT For printers with manual feed, cut sheets are fed manually
| through the manual feeder.
Front side
Specifies the name of the overlay and library to be printed on the front
side of the page. This parameter also specifies the point where the
overlay is placed. The possible values are:
*NONE No overlay is to be used.
Overlay name
Specifies the name of the overlay.
| You can list the overlay names by pressing F4 after moving the cursor
to this prompt.
Library The possible values for library are:
*LIBL The library list is used to locate the overlay.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the overlay.
If no library is specified as the current library for the job,
library QGPL is used.
Name Specify the name of the library where the overlay is located.
Offset across Specifies the horizontal position where the overlay is placed (the offset).
Valid value range is
0.0-22.75 (in inches)
0.0-57.79 (in centimeters)
Offset down Specifies the vertical position where the overlay is placed (the offset).
Valid value range is
0.0-22.75 (in inches)
0.0-57.79 (in centimeters)
Back side
Specifies the name of the overlay and library be printed on the back
side of the page. This parameter also specifies the point where the
overlay is placed. The possible values are:
*NONE No overlay is to be used.
Overlay name
Specify the name of the overlay.
| You can list the overlay names by pressing F4 after moving the cursor
to this prompt.
Library The possible values for library are:
*LIBL The library list is used to locate the overlay.
*CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the overlay.
If no library is specified as the current library for the job,
library QGPL is used.
Name Specify the name of the library where the overlay is located.
Offset across Specifies the horizontal position where the overlay is placed (the offset).
Valid value range is
0.0-22.75 (in inches)
0.0-57.79 (in centimeters)
184 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide