Press Enter, the F3, or F12 key after you specify the parameters. The Design
display will be displayed.
Field Name Description
Start position The position parameter consists of across and down values. These
values specify the horizontal and vertical start position of the element
being defined.
End position The position parameter consists of across and down values. These
values specify the horizontal and vertical end position of the element
being defined.
Element Specifies the element name that appears on the image area instead of
a regular line element mark, such as *L001. The default value is blank
which is to display the regular element mark.
Line type Specifies the type of line used to draw the box on the printer.
1 Solid line
2 Dashed line - - - - -
3 Dotted line . . . . .
The default value is 1 (Solid line).
Line width Specifies the width of line used to draw the line on the printer.
*NARROW 1/120 inch
*MEDIUM 1/60 inch
*WIDE 1/40 inch
n If the unit of measure specified in the specification is
inch, n is 0.00 - 1.00 otherwise n is 0.00 - 2.54.
Line placement Specifies the placement of the line. This parameter is used only when
the measurement method is Row/Column.
1 Middle Line is drawn in the middle of character cells.
2 Border Horizontal line is drawn at the top of character cells.
Vertical line is drawn at the left of character cells.
The default value is 1 Middle.
The following display appears by pressing the F10 key at the diagonal points for a
box element definition, or by pressing the F14 key to change a box element.
When you press Enter, the Overlay Utility and the Print Format Utility check the
validity of the entered parameters. If no errors exist, the operation is completed
and the key entry area disappears from the display.
Chapter 13. Design Operation 243