
Specifies to change the image size.
| If you specify *YES, the IMGSIZE and MAPPING parameters will
| appear, and you can specify the new image size in the page
segment and how to map the input image to the size.
Image area size (IMGSIZE)
Specifies the unit of measurement, width, and length of the image to be
created in the page segment.
Unit of measure
Specifies the unit of measure used to specify the following
two parameters.
The possible values are:
Specifies the unit of measure used when you previously
created a page segment of the same name.
Inch is used as the unit of measure.
Centimeter is used as the unit of measure.
Width Specifies the width of the image to be created.
The possible values are:
Specifies the value of the width used when you
previously created a page segment of the same name.
Specify the width value in the selected unit of measure.
Length Specifies the length of the image to be created.
The possible values are:
Specifies the value of the length used when you
previously created a page segment of the same name.
Specify the length value in the selected unit of measure.
| Mapping option (MAPPING)
Specifies how the input image is mapped to the specified size of the
output image in the page segment.
The possible values are:
Specifies the mapping option used when you previously created a
page segment of the same name.
*PAT (Position and trim)
The top left corner of the input image is located to the top left corner
of the output image area. The image size is not changed, and any
Chapter 21. AFP Utilities for AS/400 Commands 369