character strings which are called reserved variable names in the text data on a
text element or a box element.
Page Layout
You must also define how to lay out the records, which are described in the
previous section, in a page as a page layout. You need to specify where and how
many times to place the defined records in a page. You can specify the fixed data
such as text, lines, boxes, bar codes in the same way as you specify them in a
The following figure shows the sample page:
Figure 18. Page Layout Sample
You can print some variable data such as job date, job time, page number, record
number, database file name, library name, and member name by specifying
character strings which are called reserved variable names in the text data on a
text element or a box element.
You can also print variable data, such as the field value of the first record in the
group, the field value of the last record in the group, the total of the field values in
Chapter 7. Introduction to Print Format Utility 97