Prompt Description
Offset down Specifies the vertical position where the overlay is placed (the offset).
Valid value range is
0.0-22.75 (in inches)
0.0-57.79 (in centimeters)
| Form definition| Specifies the form definition to be used when printing the spooled file
| created by the print format utility. The possible values are:
| *DEVD Specifies that the form definition specified in the device
| description should be used.
| *INLINE Specifies that the Print Format Utility should create an
| inline form definition to be used when printing the data.
| See the form definition help text for additional information.
| Form definition name
| Specifies the name of the form definition.
| Library| The possible values for library are:
| *LIBL The library list is used to locate the form definition.
| *CURLIB The current library for the job is used to locate the form
| definition. If no library is specified as the current library for
| the job, library QGPL is used.
| Name Specifies the name of the library where the form definition is
| located.
Specify Mapping Object Name
Specify Mapping Object Name
Type options, press the Enter key.
OPT Object
_ Page segment
_ Folder
_ PC document
_ Library
_ File
_ Member
F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
You can specify field names in the object name parameters of the Place Page
Segment display or the Place Graphics display. When you specify field names, you
can specify the mapping of a field value to an object name, if required.
Chapter 10. Work with PFD Definitions 185