
Copy PFD Definition
From file . . . . . . . . . : PFUFILE
Library . . . . . . . . . : PFULIB
PFD definition . . . . . . . : PFDNEW
Text . . . . . . . . . . . . : Sample PFD definition
Type choices, press Enter.
To file . . . . . . . . . . PFUFILE Name, F4 for list
Library . . . . . . . . . PFULIB Name, ᑍLIBL, ᑍCURLIB
PFD definition . . . . . . . PFDNEW Name
Text 'description' . . . . . Sample PFD definition
F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel
Using the Copy PFD Definition display, you can copy a PFD definition in the same
or different file or library.
The following table explains each field of the Copy PFD Definition display.
Field Name Description
From file Shows the name of the PFD definition file that contains the PFD
definition you are going to copy.
Library Shows the name of the library containing the file with the PFD definition
you are going to copy.
PFD definition Shows the name of the PFD definition you are going to copy.
Text Shows the text description of the PFD definition you are going to copy.
To file| Specify the PFD definition file you are going to copy the PFD definition
| to.
| You can see the list of existing PFD definition files in the specified
| library by pressing F4 and select a PFD definition file from the list.
This prompt has the same file name as the from PFD definition file
name. Leave the default if you want to copy the PFD definition to a
different PFD definition name or to a different library with the same file
Library Specify the library you are going to copy the PFD definition to. This
prompt has the same library name as the from library name. Leave the
default if you want to copy the PFD definition to a different file or to
different PFD definition in the same library. The possible values in this
field are:
*LIBL To specify the file that will contain the copied PFD
definition is in one of the libraries in the library list.
*CURLIB To specify that the file that will contain the copied PFD
definition is in the current library. If no library is specified
as the current library for the job, library QGPL is used.
Specifies the specific library name you want to copy the
PFD definition to.
192 AFP Utilities for AS/400 User’s Guide