Workman MDX--DPage 3 -- 16Diesel Engine
11.Disconnect electrical connections from the following
engine components:
A. Disconnect main wire harness connections to
glow plug bus, temperature sender and engine run
solenoid (Fig. 14).
B. Disconnect main wire harness connection to f us-
ible link harness.
C. Disconnect engine wire harness connector from
cludes connectors for the alternator, oil pr essure
switch, starter solenoid and engine ground.
D. Remove flange head screw from front engine
mount that secures negative battery cable and en-
gine ground connector. Make sure to notelocation of
lock washer when removing screw. Position negat-
ive battery cable away from engine.
12.Remove four (4) flange nuts, spacers, snubbing
washers and cap screws that secure the engine to the
engine mo unts.
Make sure that hoist or liftused toremove engine
can properly support engine. Engine assembly
weighs approximately 170 pounds (77 kg). Also,
one person should operate the hoist while a
second person guides the engine out of the
13.Remove engine from the vehicle.
A. Attach a short section of chain between both en-
gine lift tabs.
B. Connect hoist to center of chain.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to not damage the en-
gine, fuel hoses,electrical harness orother parts
while removing the engine.
C. Carefully move the engine assembly away from
the radiator and when the engine has cleared the ra-
diator shrouds, carefully raise the engine from the
14.Remove engine brackets, components and attach-
ments as necessary to repair the engine.
15.Inspect engine mounts (Fig. 15) and bumper as-
sembly (Fig. 16) for wear or damage and replace com-
ponents if necessary.
Figure 16
1. Front engine bracket
2. Rubber bumper
3. Lock nut (3 used)
4. Carriage screw (3 used)
Engine Instal lation (Fig. 12)
1. Install all removed mounts, components and attach-
ments to the engine.
Make sure that hoist or lift used to install engine
can properly support engine. Engine assembly
weighs approximately 170 pounds (77 kg). Also,
one person should operate the hoist while a
second person guides the engine into the
2. Install engine to the vehicle.
A. Attach a short section of chain between both en-
gine lift tabs.
B. Connect a hoist at the center of the short section
of chain.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to not damage engine,
fuel lines, electrical harness or other parts while
installing the engine.
C. Carefully lower engine assembly into the engine
area of the vehicle. Align holes in engine brackets
with engine mounts attached to frame.
3. Secure engine to engine mounts with four (4) cap
screws, snubbing washers, spacers and flange nuts.