Workman MDX--D Page 6 -- 41 Chassis
Bleed Brake System
IMPORTANT: To preventcontamination of the brake
system, make sure toclean components before dis-
1. Connect asuitable transparent hose tobleeder valve
on front brake caliper (Fig. 31) or rear wheel brake cylin-
der (Fig. 32). Submerge other end of hose in a glass
container partially filled with clean brake fluid.
2. Have a second person pump brake pedal several
times, then hold pedal down firmly.
3. With pedal firmly depressed, open bleeder valve of
brake until pedal fades to floor. Close bleeder valve be-
fore releasing pedal.
4. Repeat procedure until a continuous flow of brake
fluid, with no air bubbles, is released from bleeder valve.
Make surefluid levelis maintained inbrake fluidres-
ervoir at all times.
5. When brake bleeding is completed, torque caliper
bleed valve as follows:
A. Torque caliper bleed valve on front brakes from
54 to 66 in--lb (6.2 to 7. 4 N--m).
B. Torque caliper bleed valve on rear brakes to 38
in-- lb (4.3 N--m).
6. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for other f ront calipers and rear
brake cylinders.
After servicing the brakes, always check the
brakes in a wide open, level area that is free of
other persons and obstructions.
7. After bleeding of brakes is completed, test vehicle to
make sure brakes are operating correctly and brake
pedal is solid.
1. Front caliper (LH shown)
2. Banjo bolt
3. Bleed valve
Figure 31
1. Rear brake (LH shown)
2. Banjo bolt
3. Bleed valve
Figure 32