Edge Triggering
TDS 620A, 640A & 644A User Manual
Figure 3Ć19:ăMain Trigger Menu Ċ Edge Type
To select the coupling you want:
Press TRIGGER MENU ➞ Type (main) ➞ Edge (popĆup) ➞ CouĆ
pling (main) ➞ DC, AC, HF Rej, LF Rej,orNoise Rej (side).
H DC passes all of the input signal. In other words, it passes both AC and
DC components to the trigger circuit.
H AC passes only the alternating components of an input signal (above
10 Hz). It removes the DC component from the trigger signal.
H HF Rej removes the high frequency portion of the triggering signal. That
allows only the low frequency components to pass on to the triggering
system to start an acquisition. High frequency rejection attenuates
signals above 30 kHz.
H LF Rej does the opposite of high frequency rejection. Low frequency
rejection attenuates signals below 80 kHz.
H Noise Rej provides lower sensitivity. Noise Rej requires additional
signal amplitude for stable triggering, reducing the chance of falsely
triggering on noise.