Tektronix TDS 350 Sprinkler User Manual

Appendix D: Factory Initialization Settings
TableĂAĆ4:ăFactory Initialization Defaults (Cont.)
Control Changed by Factory Init to
Edge trigger coupling DC
Edge trigger level 0.0 V
Edge trigger slope Rising
Edge trigger source Channel 1
Horizontal - main trigger position 50%
Horizontal - main trigger time/div. 500 ms
Horizontal - time base Main only
Main trigger holdoff 20%
Main trigger mode Auto
Main trigger type Edge
Math waveform function CH1 + CH2
Measure HighĆLow Setup Histogram
Measure High Ref 90% and 0 V (units)
Measure Low Ref 10% and 0 V (units)
Measure Mid Ref 50% and 0 V (units)
Saved setups No change
Saved waveforms No change
Vertical bandwidth (all channels) Full
Vertical coupling (all channels) DC
Vertical offset (all channels) 0V
Vertical position (all channels) 0 div
Vertical volts/div. (all channels) 100 mV/div
Zoom vertical (all channels) 1.0X
Zoom vertical position (all channels) 0 divs.