Tektronix TDS 350 Sprinkler User Manual

Getting Started
Getting Started
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
GPIB Device
Figure 1Ć7:ăTypical GPIB Network Configurations
Setting the GPIB Parameters Ċ You need to set the GPIB parameters of
the oscilloscope to match the configuration of the bus. Once you have set
these parameters, you can control the oscilloscope through the GPIB interĆ
1. Press the UTILITY button to display the Utility menu.
2. Press the System button in the main menu until it highlights the I/O
selection in the popĆup menu.
Figure 1Ć8:ăSelecting the I/O System in the Main Menu
3. Press the Hcp Port button in the main menu; then, if you want hardcoĆ
pies to be sent by way of the GPIB port, press GPIB in the side menu.
4. Press the GPIB button in the main menu to display the GPIB configuraĆ
tion side menu.