Tektronix TDS 350 Sprinkler User Manual

Command Descriptions
TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Programmer Manual
Table 2Ć24 lists additional WFMPre commands that are included for compatiĆ
bility purposes.
These commands do not support a query form, and all information is
TableĂ2Ć24:ăAdditional WFMPre Commands
Argument Description
WFMPre:NR_PT <NR1> Number of waveform points
WFMPre:WFId <QString> Waveform identifier
WFMPre:XUNit <QString> Horizontal units
WFMPre:XMUlt <NR3> Horizontal (XĆaxis) scale factor
WFMPre:XOFf <NR3> Horizontal (XĆaxis) offset
WFMPre:XZEro <NR3> Horizontal (XĆaxis) origin offset
WFMPre:YUNit <QString> Vertical units
WFMPre:ZMUlt <NR3> ZĆaxis scale factor
WFMPre:ZOFf <NR3> ZĆaxis offset
WFMPre:ZUNit <QString> ZĆaxis units
WFMPre:ZZEro <NR3> ZĆaxis origin offset
When returning WFMPRE:<wfm> information from the oscilloscope,
<wfm> specifies the waveform source (CH<x>, MATH1, or
REF<x>). The source must also be set using the DAta:SOUrce
command. When sending WFMPRE:<wfm> information to the
oscilloscope, the <wfm> specification is ignored and the reference
location specified by DATa:DESTination is used instead.
WFMPre:<wfm>? (Query Only)
Returns the waveform formatting data for the waveform specified by the
DATa:SOUrce command. Channel and math waveforms must be displayed
before they can be queried. Querying an invalid reference waveform generĆ
ates an execution error.