Tektronix TDS 350 Sprinkler User Manual

Command Descriptions
Syntax and Commands
FACtory (No Query Form)
Resets the oscilloscope to its factory default settings (see Appendix D). The
FACtory command does everything that the *RST command does.
Setting the oscilloscope to factory default performs the following operations:
H Clears the Event Status Enable Register
H Clears the Service Request Enable Register
H Sets the Device Event Status Enable Register to 255
H Sets the Power On Status Clear Flag to TRUE
H Purges all defined aliases
H Enables all Command Headers (HEADer ON)
H Sets the macro defined by *DDT to a zeroĆlength field"
H Clears the pending operation flag and associated operations
The FACtory command does not alter the following items:
H The state of the RSĆ232ĆC or GPIB (IEEE 488.1) interfaces
H The selected GPIB address
H Calibration data that affects device specifications
H Protected user data
H Stored settings
H The current password (if implemented)
H Hardcopy parameters
Sends a copy of the screen display followed by an EOI to the port specified
by HARDCopy:PORT. The format and layout of the output is specified with the
HARDCopy:FORMat and HARDCopy:LAYout commands. This command is
equivalent to pressing the frontĆpanel HARDCOPY button.
HARDCopy? returns format, layout, and port information.
Related Commands: