3-863-237-11 (1)
161Starting an Encrypted Videoconference via LAN
Starting an Encrypted Videoconference
via LAN
You can start an encrypted videoconference via LAN by calling a remote party
in the same manner as a daily videoconference.
During an encrypted videoconference via LAN, the (encryption) icon is
displayed on the screen.
• When the icon is not displayed on the screen, transmission and reception data
will not be encrypted. Be sure to confirm if the icon is displayed before starting
an encrypted videoconference.
• As the encryption feature is not available for a terminal connected via an ISDN, the
icon does not appear on the screen of such a terminal.
When the encrypted videoconference via LAN is disabled
If the following message appears when you call a remote party, an encrypted
videoconference via LAN is not available.
Error Messages Causes
The encryption feature on a far-
end system is disabled.
The encryption feature via LAN on the remote
system is disabled.
The entered password for the
encryption feature is not correct.
The password entered on the remote system is
not the same as that on the local system.
The encrypted videoconference is
not available if any terminal is
connected via ISDN.
While the videoconference is held via an ISDN
connection, you cannot connect any terminal via
the LAN connection if your encryption via LAN
feature is activated.