
Physical Controls 43
E-EQ-MX3CERG-G-ARC MX3-CE Reference Guide
Scan Buttons
Figure 2-7 Programmable Buttons
There are two buttons, one on each side of the display. The buttons are programmable and
function as an integrated barcode scanner key or a numeric keypad Enter key. The Scan keys have
no effect on scanners tethered to the MX3-CE. When there is no integrated scanner installed, both
buttons default to Enter buttons.
Scan Buttons and the SCNR LED
The SCNR LED, located above the keypad, illuminates during an integrated barcode scanner
function. It is affected by internal scanner algorithms.
Red - scanning.
Green - good scan.
Unlit - scanner is inactive.
The MX3-CE Scan buttons have no effect on tethered barcode scanners (connected to a serial
port). Tethered scanners read barcode scans only when the trigger on the tethered scanner is