
D-20 Using Paper
Paper problems are somewhat difficult to detect. A series of steps will help isolate paper-
induced problems. The steps to follow are:
Is it a paper or a printer problem?
Isolate a paper path
Isolate a paper brand
Isolate a paper type
Evaluate user’s paper practices
Evaluate environmental conditions
Is it a Paper or Printer Problem?
When determining a printer failure, a distinction must be made between problems relating to
the printer itself and those involving paper. Often a problem which first appears to be related to
the printer is actually a matter of poor paper selection or handling. To determine is a problem is
printer or paper-induced a few simple steps can be helpful:
Turn paper over in the tray to print on the reverse side.
Rotate sheets 180° (end to end) to feed with a different leading edge.
If the symptoms cease, or change in some way, it can be assumed that the problems are paper
Isolate a Paper Path
The physical properties and composition of a particular paper influence its motion along a
printer’s main paper path. As a general rule, the straighter a paper path, the more forgiving it is
of the paper’s physical characteristics.
Try Using the Straightest Paper Path
Some problems can be avoided by using the straightest paper path. Feed paper from tray1. This
path is recommended for transparencies and heavy basis weight media.
Figure D-5 D640 paper paths