
Using the Serial Interface
B-2 Host Serial and Parallel Interface Configuration
connector. This is a “C” type Bitronics connection. Hewlett-Packard has included an “A-to-C”
parallel printer cable with the printer. The RS-232C connector is the standard DB25 pin
connector, located near the top center of the printer.
You can get more information about HP’s compliance with the IEEE 1284 Standard from the
HP FIRST fax retrieval service at 1-800-333-1917 in the USA and Canada. Ask for document
number 1951. The same document is also available by ftp from:
Using the Serial Interface
Use the serial interface when you need to locate the printer at some distance (up to 50 feet (15
meters)) from the host computer. You can use either an RS-232C or an RS-422A cable.
Table B-1 lists RS-232C and RS-422A pin assignments and signal descriptions. Those pins not
listed in the table are not used.
Table B-1 Pin assignments for a serial cable
Description RS-232 RS-422 I/O
1 Protective ground. * * -
2 Transmitted data (data from printer). * n/a Output
3 Received data (received by printer). * n/a Input
3 (RS-422) Received data inverted (RDA) (received by printer). n/a * Input
4 Request to send. This signal is HIGH when the
printer is on.
* n/a Output
7 Signal ground. * *
9 (RS-422) Send data inverted (SDA). n/a * Output
10 (RS-422) Send data non-inverted (SDB). n/a * Output
14 Must be connected to ground (7) to select RS-422
mode (SDB).
n/a * Input
18 (RS-422) Receive data non-inverted (RDB). n/a * Input
20 Data terminal ready * n/a Output
* = valid signal
n/a = unimplemented