Here are typical causes of tripping and the corresponding retry processes.
Cause of
Retry process Canceling conditions
power failure
Up to 10 times of retry in succession
1st retry: About 1 sec. after tripping
2nd retry: About 2 sec. after tripping
3rd retry: About 2 sec. after tripping
10th retry: About 10 sec. after tripping
The retry function will be cancelled
at once if:
• Tripping occurs for any reason
other than momentary power
failure, overcurrent, overvoltage
or overload.
• The motor does not restart within
the specified number of times.
★The retry function is not activated if tripping is caused by one of the following:
・QEC : Arm overcurrent at start-up
・QEN : Overcurrent on the load side at start-up
・GRJQ : Output open-phase failure
・G : External tripping stop
・WR : Undervoltage stop
・GH : Ground fault trip
・GRJK : Input open-phase failure
・GTT : Main body RAM fault
・GTT : Main body ROM fault
・GTT : CPU fault
・GTT : Remote control error
・GTT : Driver fault
・GGR : EEPROM fault
★Protective operation detection relay signals (FLA, FLB and FLC terminals) are not sent during the
retry process.
★A virtual cooling time is provided for overload tripping (QN, QN), so that the retry process is
started after the virtual cooling time and retry time.
★In the case of overvoltage tripping (QR~QR), tripping may recur unless the DC voltage falls
below a predetermined level.
★In the case of overheating tripping (QJ), tripping may recur unless the internal temperature of the
inverter falls below a predetermined level, since the internal temperature is monitored.
★Even if trip retention selection parameter (H) is set to 1, the retry function is enabled if the
number of times of retry is set with H.
★During the retry process, the message “TVT[” and the item specified with the status monitor
selection parameter H are displayed alternately.
6.10.4 Avoiding overvoltage tripping
: Over voltage limit operation
• Function
This parameter is used to keep the output frequency constant or increase the frequency to
prevent overvoltage tripping due to an increase in DC voltage during deceleration or constant-
speed operation. The deceleration time may be prolonged during overvoltage limit operation.
Overvoltage limiting level
DC voltage
Overvoltage limiting level
[Parameter setting]
Title FunctionAdjustment rangeDefault setting
Over voltage limit
0: Enabled, 1: Disabled,
2: Enabled (forced quick