Groundsmaster 4010--D Operator CabPage 9 -- 5
7. Read the General Precautions for Removing and
Installing Air Conditioning System Components at the
beginning of the Service and Repairs section of this
The air conditioning system is under high pres-
sure. Do not loosen any system fitting or compo-
nent until after the system has been completely
discharged by a certified A/C service technician.
8. Have refrigerant evacuated from air conditioning
system by a certified A/C service technician.
9. Label and remove hoses from compressor. Immedi-
atelycap hoses and fittingsto preventmoisture andcon-
taminants from entering the system.
10.Support compressor to prevent it from shifting or fal-
NOTE: There may be shims mounted between com-
pressor and compressor mount. When removing com-
pressor, note shim location and quantity for assembly
11.Remove fasteners and washers that secure com-
pressor to compressor mount.
IMPORTANT: To prevent compressor oil from filling
the compressor cylinders, keep compressor in the
same orientation as the installed position.
12.Carefully remove compressor from engine and ma-
NOTE: Thereplacementof thedrier--receiver isrecom-
mendedwhenever A/Ccompressoris removedfrom the
system (see Heater and Evaporator Assembly in this
NOTE: The air conditioning compressor used on the
Groundsmaster 4 010--D is a Sanden model SD5H09.
For air conditioning compressor repair procedures, see
the Sanden SD Compressor Service Guide at the end
of this chapter.
Installation (Fig. 1)
1. Position compressor to compressor mount on en-
NOTE: Theclearance between thecompressor mount-
ing flanges and compressor mount must be less than
0.004” (0.10 mm). If necessary, install shims between
compressor flanges andmount toadjust clearance. See
Compressor Parts Catalog for shim kit.
2. Secure compressor to compressor mount with re-
moved fasteners and spacers. Do not fully tighten fas-
IMPORTANT: After the compressor has been
installed, make sure to rotate the compressor drive
shaft several times to properly distribute oil in the
compressor. Compressor damage due to oil slug-
ging can occur if this procedure is not performed.
3. Manually rotate the compressor drive shaft at least
ten (10) revolutions to make sure that no compressor oil
is in the compressor cylinders.
4. Place drive belt onto compressor pulley.
5. Tension compressor drivebelt with idlerpulley. Make
sure to tighten flange nut to secure belt adjustment.
6. Install exhaust pipe (item 15).
7. Remove caps that were placed on hoses and fittings
during the removal process. Using labels placed during
removal, properly secure hoses to compressor.
8. Connect compressor electrical connector to ma-
chine wire harness.
9. Have a certified air conditioning service technician
evacuate the air conditioning system completely, prop-
erly recharge the system with R134a refrigerant and
then leak test the system. A/C system capacity is 1.35
pounds of R134a refrigerant.
10.Lower and secure hood.
1. A/C compressor
2. Alternator
3. A/C compressor mount
Figure 2