Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--D Hydraulic SystemPage 4 -- 137
The manifolds for the three (3) cutting decks are very
similar. The front and right side PTO manifolds are
identical.Theleft side PTOmanifolduses thesamec art-
ridgesand plugs asthefront andrightside manifoldsbut
also includes an additional orifice that threads into the
manifold OR2 port (Fig. 104). NOTE: When servicing
thePTOmanifolds,DO NOTinterchangeparts from one
manifold to another.
NOTE: The PTO manifold assembly includes zero leak
plugs. These plugs have a tapered sealing surface on
plugloosening. Thezero leak plugsalsohave an O--ring
as a secondary seal. If zero leak plug removal is neces-
sary, lightly rap the plug head using a punch and ham-
mer before using an allen wrench to remove the plug:
the impact will allow plug removal with less chance of
damage to the socket head of the plug.
PTO Manifold Service (Fig. 1 03)
For PTO manifold solenoid and control valve service
procedures, see Control Manifold Cartridge Valve Ser-
vicein this section. Refer toFigure 103 for PTO manifold
cartridge valve and plug installation torque.
1. LH PTO manifold 2. Orifice (OR2 port)
Figure 104