Groundsmaster 4000--D/4010--DPage 5 -- 26Electrical System
Traction Pedal Adjustment
The traction pedal includes a neutral assembly that is
used to adjust the traction neutral position (Fig. 20).
Traction pedal adjustment may be necessary to make
sure that traction pedal movement provides the correct
full reverse and full forward positions for the traction
pedal position sensor. The InfoCenter display can be
used to check traction pedal adjustment using the fol-
lowing procedure.
1. Park machine on a level surface, lower cutting
decks, engage parking brake and stop engine.
2. Turn ignition switch to RUN but do not start engine.
3. Use the InfoCenter Display Diagnostics menu (see
InfoCenter Display in this chapter) to obtain and select
theTractionPedal menu item.ChooseInputsand theIn-
foCenter display should identify sensor voltage (Fig.
4. Move traction pedal from full reverse to full forward
positions while noting the range of voltage displayed o n
the InfoCenter.
A. Voltage infullreverse should befrom 0.5to 1.75V
B. Voltage in full forward should be from 3.5 to 4.5V
5. If voltage r ange from full reverse to full forward is in-
correct,adjustment ofthe spring shaftand rodend bear-
ing is necessary (Fig. 20).
A. Remove steering cover to access traction pedal
components (see Steering Tower in the Service and
Repairs section of Chapter 7 -- Chassis).
B. Loosen hex nut that secures rod end bearing in
spring shaft.
C. Rotate spring shaft which changes traction pedal
position in relation to traction pedal position sensor.
D. Check range of voltage as described in step 4
aboveand make additionaladjustments tothe spring
shaft until range of voltage is within specifications.
E. Tightenhex nutto secure rodend bearing.Check
that traction pedal range of voltage is still correct
after hex nut is tightened.
F. Install steering cover (see Steering Tower in the
Serviceand Repairs sectionof Chapter7 -- Chassis).
1. Tra ction pedal
2. Pedal position sensor
3. Spring shaft
4. Hex nut
5. Rod end bearing
Figure 20
Figure 21
Traction Pedal