
3-60 Troubleshooting Analysis Guide (TAGs)
Is there continuity?
No: Replace the upper paper guide assembly, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Reso-
Yes: Go to #13 in this TAG.
Turn the printer off and unplug the power cord.
Disconnect the main charger lead from the high voltage unit.
Check for continuity the main charger lead terminal assembly’s lower contact to the lead
removed from the high voltage unit.
Is there continuity?
No: Repair or replace the main charger lead or the main charger terminal assembly, then turn
to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: Continue.
Remove the cleaner unit.
Disconnect J/P85.
Check for continuity between the connector for the main charger terminal assembly’s upper
contact and J/P85-10 at the high voltage unit.
Is there continuity?
No: Repair or replace the connectors or wiring, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Res-
Yes: Continue.
Disconnect J/P41 and J/P23.
Check P41-35 to P23-5 for continuity.
Is there continuity?
No: Repair or replace the connectors or wiring from P41-35 to P23-5, then turn to TAG 002:
Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: Continue.
Check P41-39 to P23-1 for continuity.
Is there continuity?
No: Repair or replace the connectors or wiring from P41-39 to P23-1, then turn to TAG 002:
Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: Continue.
Reconnect the power.
Turn the printer on.
Check J/P41-35 for +24 Vdc.
Is the voltage +24 Vdc?
No: Replace the PCL board, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.
Yes: Determine whether the high voltage unit or the main charger terminal assembly is at fault,
replace the faulty unit, then turn to TAG 002: Check & Problem Resolution.