Chapter 7. Steps to Provisioning Your Cloud Infrastructure
• Advanced. For more sophisticated network topologies. This network model provides the most
flexibility in defining guest networks and providing custom network offerings such as firewall,
VPN, or load balancer support.
For more information about the network types, see Network Setup.
7. The rest of the steps differ depending on whether you chose Basic or Advanced. Continue with the
steps that apply to you:
• Section, “Basic Zone Configuration”
• Section, “Advanced Zone Configuration” Basic Zone Configuration
1. After you select Basic in the Add Zone wizard and click Next, you will be asked to enter the
following details. Then click Next.
• Name. A name for the zone.
• DNS 1 and 2. These are DNS servers for use by guest VMs in the zone. These DNS servers
will be accessed via the public network you will add later. The public IP addresses for the zone
must have a route to the DNS server named here.
• Internal DNS 1 and Internal DNS 2. These are DNS servers for use by system VMs in the
zone (these are VMs used by CloudPlatform itself, such as virtual routers, console proxies,
and Secondary Storage VMs.) These DNS servers will be accessed via the management traffic
network interface of the System VMs. The private IP address you provide for the pods must
have a route to the internal DNS server named here.
• Hypervisor. Choose the hypervisor for the first cluster in the zone. You can add clusters with
different hypervisors later, after you finish adding the zone.
• Network Offering. Your choice here determines what network services will be available on the
network for guest VMs.
Network Offering Description
DefaultSharedNetworkOfferingWithSGService If you want to enable security groups for
guest traffic isolation, choose this. (See Using
Security Groups to Control Traffic to VMs.)
DefaultSharedNetworkOffering If you do not need security groups, choose
DefaultSharedNetscalerEIPandELBNetworkOfferingIf you have installed a Citrix NetScaler
appliance as part of your zone network, and
you will be using its Elastic IP and Elastic
Load Balancing features, choose this. With
the EIP and ELB features, a basic zone with
security groups enabled can offer 1:1 static
NAT and load balancing.
• Network Domain. (Optional) If you want to assign a special domain name to the guest VM
network, specify the DNS suffix.